Dr. Anthony "Skip" Basiel
eLearning Consultant and Project Manager
Mike Howarth Associates
Dr. Anthony 'Skip' Basiel has been a Thought Leader in eLearning for almost two decades. He has won national recognition for eLearning Research and Development projects from the UK Higher Education Academy, the (UK) e-Learning Network and the National Peer Awards. He is an Adobe International Education Leader (Alumnus) with almost a decade of eLearning consultancy in web video telecommunications such as video conferencing, webinars, web video case studies and testimonials. He has worked the full range of the eLearning design and development spectrum with a focus on evaluation strategies. His Doctorate (2007) explored the pedagogic issues for eLearning design.
Please see http://abasiel.wordpress.com for my eLearning research and developmet work.
Streaming Media Europe 2010
Conference Day 1 - Thursday 14 October 2010