Online Video Strategies 2011
Wednesday, 19 October 2011
Virtual London, UK
Online Video Strategies
Solutions and strategies for publishing your video on the web
A one-day conference, part of Streaming Media Europe 2011
19 October 2011
Olympia Conference Centre
Conference Chair
Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen
Editor, Streaming Media magazine
Online Video Strategies is the only event targeted at attendees for whom video is not the core business, but who are using video as part of their internal or external communications strategy. As such it complements Streaming Media Europe by offering practical, application-based sessions that avoid the technical and industry trend discussions of the main Streaming Media Europe conference.

Online Video Strategies provides real-world advice and practical guidance to help organisations from all sectors – FMCG, publishing, travel and leisure, government,education, and small and medium-sized business of all types – understand how to build a more effective video communications strategy, create more impactive video communications, and use video to generate measurable returns.

  Programme [PDF]  

Wednesday, 19 October 2011

09.00 - 10.00
Keynote: YouTube: A Peek Inside
Oliver Heckmann, Engineering Director, YouTube Europe
There are 48 hours of video uploaded to YouTube every minute, and the infrastructure that ingests, encodes, and publishes it is one of the seven wonders of the online video world. In a presentation that will impress techies and non techies alike, Oliver Heckmann, YouTube Europe’s Engineering Director, offers a look at the evolution of YouTube, from a small start-up to the 3rd largest website of the world, and provides insight into YouTube engineering and how they solve problems like copyright protection.

10.30 - 11.30
How to Make Online Videos that Don't Suck - Without Breaking the Bank
Jules Watkins, Video Producer and Founder, Pocket Video Power
The cost of video technology has fallen dramatically. Your iPhone, iPad, or mini-camcorder can create stunning videos that would have needed thousands of pounds of kit to produce in the past. In this crash course, a veteran reality TV Producer/Director breaks down the basics of making authentic, quality videos using minimal equipment that will make your business stand out from the crowd.

11.45 - 12.30
Building a Successful Online Video Strategy
Simon Crofts, Creative Director, ST16 Ltd
Sarah Platt, Co-founder / Sales & Marketing Director (UK), Kinura Web Video
Jon Quirk, New Car Editor, AutoTrader
Steffan Aquarone, Founder, Droplet
Thomas Owadenko, CEO, Videoagency
From audience research and setting key performance indicators to distributing your content and evaluating its success, there’s more to a winning video strategy than simply posting some clips online and hoping people find them. Via case studies and research, this session looks at the big online video picture before later sessions dig into the details.

13.45 - 14.30
How-To Guide for Online Video Marketing
John Shaw, VBrick Systems
Ismayeel Syed, Chief Innovations Architect, Aviva Plc
The new generation of savvy marketers is increasingly using video as a solution to lure consumers to their sites and social media properties, and maintain their engagement once they’re there. This presentation will examine the opportunity for marketers to communicate with their customers using video, both on corporate websites and social platforms, as well as the market forces leading to the need to implement streaming video into marketing campaigns.

14.45 - 15.45
Delivering Your Video Where Your Audience Wants It
Jan Ozer, Owner, Streaming Learning Center
James Wilkinson, Director, Streaming Tank
Steve Plunkett, Director, Technology and Innovation, Red Bee Media
With the phenomenal success of Apple’s iPad and iPhone, and the increased adoption of Google Android-based phones, it’s never been more important to get your content on smartphones, tablets, and other mobile devices. This session helps you understand why you need to care about things like HTML5, Adobe Flash Mobile, and other video format and standards-related topics, and provides an overview of how online video platforms can help you publish once and deliver everywhere.

16.15 - 17.00
If You Publish It, Will They Come?
Dave Holland, Co-Founder and CEO, Smart Video SEO & vidmeup
You can have the most compelling content in the world, but if people aren't aware of it and can't find it easily, it won't make any difference. From search engine optimisation and metadata to social media marketing, there are countless strategies for getting your content in front of as many people as possible. This session examines the art and science of getting your videos seen.

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Oliver Heckmann
Engineering Director
YouTube Europe

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