Streaming Media Europe 2006
12 - 13 October 2006 - (Preconference Workshops: Wednesday, 11 October 2006)
Copthorne Tara Hotel London, UK
Cary Marsh
Managing Director and Founder
Mydeo m3

Engineering graduate from University of Nottingham. Previously with start-up team at Servecast, the European CDN who raise 40m euros in 2000. Before that Head of online communications at Clipstream (part of VTR plc). Launched Mydeo consumer streaming service in 2005 with a grant for technical innovation from the DTI in the UK.

Streaming Media Europe 2006
Friday 13 October 2006
11:45 a.m. - 12:30 p.m. 


Paul Costelloe
Head of Corporate IT
Prudential plc
Richard Griffiths
Director of TV & Entertainment

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