Thursday 12 October 2006
09.00 - 10.00
Keynote: Managing an Enterprise Streaming Operation
 As Head of Corporate IT at Prudential, Paul Costelloe oversees their extensive internal webcasting function and manages their relationships with providers and suppliers. Get an inside glimpse into how a major corporation uses streaming technology effectively and handles the business side of relationships with suppliers. Learn how one IT manager handles the purchasing of technology services, manages the risks, relationships and responsibilities and what his expectations are for delivery and performance. Understand how a large enterprise webcasting operation scales to operate efficiently using a combination of in-house and outsourced resources in this thoughtful opening keynote.
10.00 - 10.30
Coffee Break & Exhibition Opens
10.30 - 11.30
IPTV & Video-On-Demand
With widespread broadband access, IPTV appears to be on the verge of
changing the delivery landscape for both telcos and content creators.
Learn which technology platforms and business models are most likely to
prevail, who is partnering who and whether another disruptive
technology may supplant the major players. Hear a debate about who is
likely to win the competition between the cable and phone companies.
How to Choose the Best Video Codec
Jan Ozer, Owner, Streaming Learning Center
Making choices between Windows Media 9, Real 10, H.264 and QuickTime
can be complicated when you are trying to choose the best codec. In
this session you will learn how to narrow your options and see live
examples of encoding strategies that will help you decide which codecs
are right for your work based on different types of video content and
your target viewers.
11.45 - 12.30
The Business of Online Video Advertising
In the past year, the online video advertising industry has matured as
more campaigns incorporate in-stream and in-page video advertising.
Hear panelists discuss and demonstrate some of the innovative new
campaigns they are using to acquire and retain customers. Learn about
challenges of the uncertain metrics for determining rich media
marketing ROI and for reporting on customer usage. Hear how various
business models may further encourage the adoption of this technology
by the marketing world.
Best Practices for Audio Production
Steve Mack, Author of Hands-On Guide to Webcasting, LUX Media
Regardless of the content, a good audio recording is one of the most
important components of any online video offering. Recording and
encoding audio for the web requires some traditional techniques and new
processes. Find out why and learn what tools you need to create the
best possible streaming audio content in a bandwidth-limited world.
This session will demonstrate new tools, technologies and concepts for
creating high-quality audio for streaming.
12.30 - 13.45
Delegate Lunch & Exhibition Visit
13.45 - 14.30
Streaming for Sports
Explore the best models for revenue generation from online streaming of
sports content and learn about technical developments and emerging
market trends for delivering sports content to new audiences with
broadband and mobile access platforms. Discover how placeshifting, or
the phenomenon of getting sports content anytime, anywhere, is driving
the need for streaming services. Understand business models between
portals, mobile operators and rightsholders in this rapidly exploding
segment of the streaming industry.
Global Streaming at Deutsche Bank
This global investment banking firm uses streaming on a global scale to
create and deliver thousands of pieces of content direct from the
analysts to their customers. Hear how they make it happen, how they
outsource the production, get participation and buy-in internally and
use analytics to prove the ROI, all on a global scale working with
offices around the world.
14.45 - 15.30
Generating Revenue from Mobile Content
The ability to stream content to wireless devices is not new, but
realistic revenue models are now becoming a reality. This session will
enlighten you about what type of content is suitable to stream to a
wireless device and how to create a revenue stream. How should content
creators prepare their content for wireless devices? What are the
colour or display considerations for wireless devices? What are the
chances of wireless revenue models being threatened by the codec and
platform wars?
Creating in Internal Streaming Structure
Phil Sellick, European Director of Technical Services, VividasGary Cleasby, Business Manager, Interactive Consumer Marketing, Ford Motor CompanyNicole Yershon, Director, Agency Systems, Ogilvy & Mather Ltd.
So, your organisation has decided to implement streaming on your intranet and you’re in charge, but you’re not sure where to start. Or perhaps you’ve just been charged to manage an existing streaming intranet and need to get up to speed. This session examines the basics of setting up and managing a streaming network, from staffing needs and equipment acquisition, to asset management and storage. Learn the components in deploying an internal streaming network such as server capability, setting security standards and the methods of storage, hosting and delivery that are most appropriate for your content.
15.30 - 16.00
Coffee Break & Exhibition Visit
16.00 - 17.00
State of the Industry: Streaming Usage
Learn the results of a recent survey of the FTSE 100 and the latest
trends and developments in the use of webcasting and interactive online
presentations for financial reporting by these major British and
European companies. Following an in-depth analysis of what they are
broadcasting, the quality of the productions and the level of
innovation, hear from companies and vendors about how they are using
streaming to inform shareholders, investors and analysts.
Planning & Executing Enterprise Webcasts
Robert J Gribnau, VP Global Sales, OctoshapeSimon Ball, Global Head of Operations, Multimedia Delivery & Infrastructure, Thomson ReutersSteve Garvey, Chairman and CEO, World Television Group PLC
No longer just a conduit for corporate communications, webcasting
offers exciting ways to engage targeted audiences. Whether it’s for
internal training, sales and marketing or investor relations,
effectively reaching your audience requires an understanding of the
strengths and weaknesses of existing technologies, guidelines for
assembling event resources and selecting the best channel for message
delivery. Hear several case studies of webcast events and gain valuable
insights into webcasting best practices.
Friday 13 October 2006
09.00 - 10.00
Keynote: Delivering Mainstream Entertainment over IP
 The evolution of the cheap and cheerful webcast into IPTV pitches IP-delivered video against high quality, simple and reliable satellite, cable and terrestrial television services. Richard Griffiths identifies the cost, qualityand complexity issues of delivering entertainment over IP and discusses how the solutions that service providers are developing will transform the behaviour of viewers.
10.00 - 10.30
Coffee Break & Exhibition Opens
10.30 - 11.30
Corporate Communications in the Global Enterprise
Size, distance and language are only a few of the challenges faced by
global businesses as they attempt to communicate with employees in
distant locations. SAP is communicating worldwide using an IPTV system
that is installed at 100 locations on all the continents and that is
available for live and on-demand transmissions. iSOFT faced a complex
language problem as it developed video programmes to showcase
operations to employees around the world. Hear how both companies are
managing global corporate communications with the assistance of their
technical partners.
Peer-to-Peer Streaming Technology
It’s one of the most well known axioms of streaming. The more popular
your content; the more it will cost you to deliver. The costs of
streaming are such that every new viewer and every new listener adds to
your overall costs. Peer-to-peer technology offers the option to stream
at a much lower cost to you and with much less strain on your
infrastructure. How does this technology work? What are the benefits
and the drawbacks? Is it a viable solution in the enterprise space? Are
there security issues you need to know about?
11.45 - 12.30
Building Internal Communication Channels
Moderator: Jake Ward, Business Development Director, Groovy GeckoElisabeth Fosse, Dir of Strategy & Business Development, NorgesGruppenStephen Paul, Director of Digital Media Services, GlaxoSmithKline
GlaxoSmithKline recently implemented internal web TV in offices in 46
countries. Hear a report on the practical implications, the challenges
of adoption, the people and behavioural aspects and, most importantly,
the value proposition of using this technology to improve internal
communications at this pharmaceutical giant. At NorgesGruppen, one of
Norway’s largest food retailers, an e-learning programme about food
safety for nearly 25,000 employees located in more than 2900 stores is
based on game technology, video and traditional e-learning
methodologies. Learn how the power of streaming content can expand the
impact of traditional human relations programmes.
User-Generated Video
User-generated content has taken off dramatically in the past few
years, starting with blogs and user-modifiable reference sites, such as
Wikipedia. Now, with increasing bandwidth and more advanced devices,
such as video phones, the sharing of content has expanded to video.
Flextech has expanded its Trouble network by launching a user-generated
content network, the Homegrown project. Trouble viewers are able to
upload their own homemade videos via their PCs or mobile phones.
Separately, another project allows users to upload, pay for and
distribute videos and get statistics to track popularity.
12.30 - 13.45
Delegate Lunch & Exhibition Visit
13.45 - 14.30
Digital Media Offers Access to Government
Government organisations worldwide have discovered that they can reach
directly into citizens’ homes and offices with broadband technology and
digital media. Whether it’s streaming sessions of Parliament, news
broadcasts from 10 Downing Street or video clips on EU websites,
streaming technology has dramatically changed how governmental
organisations connect with their constituencies. Hear case studies and
understand decision points and procurement strategies for this special
Distribution and Delivery of Digital Media
Moderator: Erik Gabler, SVP, Business Development, Limelight NetworksAlex Wolfe, CEO, AstreamJohn Vanhoucke, Sr. Product Manager Streaming, belgacomOisin Lunny, Product Manager, CDN, Streaming and Media Services, Interoute
The business of content distribution and delivery can be confusing for
content owners and providers as multiple distribution mediums like
streaming, progressive downloads and podcasting all play a vital role.
This panel session examines digital media delivery and distribution
options and gives you the know-how to effectively choose the right
combination of delivery options for your content. Panelists will
discuss the pros and cons of each service and the costs associated with
14.30 - 15.00
Coffee Break & Exhibition Visit
15.00 - 16.00
New Models for News
Broadband Internet and continually changing viewer habits have combined
to make the old models of print and 24/7 broadcast news obsolete.
Neither can keep up with the demand for instant access to dynamic
content and the influx of new portable content delivery devices. Hear
from executives in two news organisations about how they are meeting
this challenge.
Streaming to Mobile
Learn how to encode and produce mobile video, how to select the right
codecs and how to fine-tune the settings for optimum AV performance and
end-user acceptance from the R&D manager at one of the largest
telcos in the Baltic region. Dig into the nuts and bolts of how to
reach 3G mobile phones and PDA devices, see a demo of encoding and
broadcasting content to 3G phones and get more encoding tips for mobile
delivery from a senior technical manager at RealNetworks.
16.15 - 17.00
Webcasting and Video Technology in Education
Mark Rogge, Sr. Director of Worldwide Sales, Polycom Video Content ManagementLim Hoo Lim, Senior Manager, Centre for Instructional Technology, National University of Singapore
Streaming video technology and webcasting enhances educational
opportunities for many types of students, ranging from young children
to university students in Singapore. Learn how deployment of a
centralised webcast operation in a university environment supports
campus activities efficiently and effectively, then hear from a school
educator how a variety of video technologies including conferencing,
streaming, live webcasting and TV broadcasting can expand students'
Managing Digital Assets
The issues of managing digital assets and rights management are tough,
behind-the-scenes challenges for new media managers. In this practical
session learn how organisations are tackling problems including
organising rich media content, metadata creation and integration with
search and content management. Hear about options and solutions for the
rights management dilemma that haunts everyone from the BBC to the
smallest webcast operation.