Wednesday, 13 October 2010
09.40 - 10.25
Keynote: The CDN Customer’s Perspective
 The leader of one of the foremost over-the-top (OTT) video delivery companies speaks about their journey and the challenges Zattoo has faced as they have brought one of the most established OTT delivery platforms to market. This exciting keynote will examine the complex technical issues of online TV delivery across Europe and will also touch on some of the commercial and regulatory issues facing the delivery of OTT television.
10.30 - 11.15
Keynote: Fitting the CDN in between the Telco and the Client
Sian Baldwin, Director of Broadband and Content Services, BT Wholesale
 While global Tier 1 networks began to adopt CDN strategies a few years ago, now regional telcos are entering the space. Is this purely a move to capitalise on packet billing in the face of dwindling minute revenues? Are telcos really offering any SLA or Quality of Service (QoS) to content publishers? Is the requirement for a one-country telco to build a CDN actually just an admission that QoS on their own networks is too expensive to obtain? Are telcos using CDN services to circumnavigate their own internal pricing? Can they offer more?
11.15 - 11.40
Coffee Break
11.40 - 12.10
Will the Internet Scale? Meeting the Demand
Internet video is on the cusp of an explosion. Numerous factors, from high bandwidth connections to the home to internet-connected devices, have evolved to enable a high-quality viewing experience online and are changing the way we consume video. The current internet infrastructure – delivering from centralised locations – won't scale. As online video becomes more dynamic and interactive, and approaches true HD quality, a globally-distributed infrastructure and delivery model is needed to meet the scalability, quality and growth needs of content owners, publishers, and more.
12.15 - 13.00
Market Insight: What are the Commercial Trends?
Eric Schumacher-Rasmussen, CMO, NorskDaniel Beazer, Internap Europe, InternapGeorge Fraser, VP of EMEA and Asia, Limelight NetworksDerek Gough, Director, Product Management, European Markets Group, Level 3 CommunicationsTal Saraf, GM, Amazon CloudFront
We hear from leaders from the largest players in the sector. We discuss the trends in the market, and look at how their different architectures are achieving content delivery. We ask about their M&A strategies, their partnering strategies, their customer focus, and also ask each to outline some of their success stories from the past year.
13.00 - 14.00
14.00 - 14.50
Infrastructure Trends: “Death Star,” Distributed or Cloud: CDN models
Moderator: Malcolm Harland, Managing Director, Garland PartnersJon Haley, VP Business Development, Web TV/OTT, EdgewareNigel Hawthorn, VP EMEA Marketing, Blue Coat SystemsGanesh Pai, VP of Systems Architecture, Verivue IncBob Rizika, CEO, Blackwave
A discussion looking at the changing infrastructure trends in the ever-evolving CDN environment from the perspective of vendors supplying infrastructure components. When is a centralised approach best and when should a publisher turn to a distributed approach or use a cloud service provider? Panellists are all vendors supplying network core infrastructure to CDNs, so their insight into the current trends is grounded in real sales and not in conjecture.
14.55 - 15.45
Application Trends: Next-Generation Content Delivery Services
Moderator: Stef van der Ziel, CEO, Jet-StreamSteve Allison, Technical Evangelist, Strategic Alliances, Adobe SystemsCharlie Good, CTO, Wowza Media SystemsThomas Vander Stichele, CTO, FlumotionArjen Wagenaar, CTO, Unified StreamingChris Carper, Sr. Vice President Strategy and Business Development, iStreamPlanet
A discussion of the changing applications and services offered and supported by CDNs today, and those that will be supported tomorrow. Is HTTP really HTTP, or is it just a general term for TCP applications on port 80? Are RTMP and RTSP media formats ‘deprecated’? Is video the dominant focus for CDNs, or is application delivery and acceleration becoming more prominent? What are the new formats and technologies to watch?
15.45 - 16.15
Coffee Break
Presentation of 2010 Streaming Media European Readers’ Choice Award for Best CDN
16.15 - 16.50
The State of the Online Video Stack
ISPs, telcos, CDNs and online video platforms are moving up and down the online video stack, and the lines are blurring between them, so it’s often difficult to determine how the pieces all fit together. However, in order to successfully vertically or horizontally integrate within an online video initiative a nuanced understanding of all the suppliers is crucial. This lively panel discussion features representatives from each level of the online video stack and you’ll emerge with a clearer picture of what it is and how it’s changing.
16.55 - 17.45
Smartnering and Interop
This distinguished group of panellists focus on mass-market Connected TV, over the top and IPTV adoption and the standards track and evolution of common standards in this sector, as well as the technical and market forces in the core delivery networks that both help and hinder the adoption of such standards.
17.45 - 19.00
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Beers for Peers
Join us for informal drinks at the close of Content Delivery Summit. A chance to review the day and network with your global colleagues.