How Bayer Benelux Succeeds With Internal and External Webcasts

A representative from healthcare company Bayer Benelux was due to stop by the recent Streaming Forum conference in London to explain how the company has overcome challenges in creating both internal and external webcasts, but then the presentation was scheduled for the company's 150th birthday. Not to worry: Ron Mukherjee of RichCast, the corporate webcasting company that's been with Bayer every step of the way, was able to fill in.

"We started out with event webcasting, seminars, conferences, which then moved on to e-learning and marketing and communications," Mukherjee said. "We started with external webcasts, so toward external audiences, and then moved on towards internal webcasts. What we see in our corporate clients is that usually we begin with these external webcasts, because that's something where there's a direct ROI on the webcast, and then different departments start asking 'Can we do that, too?' and then we move on to the internal domain."

Bayer soon expanded into streaming international webcasts, which presented a new set of challenges for RichCast.

"Within the Bayer organization this knowledge, these skills to do the webcasts were not present at that time. So that was a very interesting way to expand the webcasting work that we were doing into a more international field within Bayer," Mukherjee added. "Doing this internationally with suppliers sourced from the country, itself -- from the U.K. -- there were a lot of issues that came up. One example is that these webcasts were streamed using a cellmuxing technology because the venue in Birmingham could not provide us with a sufficiently strong internet line."

To hear more about RichCast's webcasting learning process, watch the full video below.

Case Study: Internal and External Video at Bayer Benelux

For three years, Bayer Benelux has used live and on-demand video internally and externally, using webcasts and webinars for e-learning, commercial presentations, live expert webcasts, and CEO/CFO messages to staff, viewable on desktops and mobile devices. How were challenges overcome, and what were the benefits of this comprehensive strategy?

Ron Mukherjee, Managing Director, RichCast — Belgium

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