Take Our CDN Services Survey
As CDN World Summit 2014 wraps up in London, Streaming Media magazine and streamingmedia.com ask our European and global readers to make their voices heard in a unique study on the state of CDN services.
This survey, hosted by Streaming Media and its partner company, Unisphere Research, asks respondents to provide feedback in two key areas: Their own media consumption habits, given the fact that Streaming Media Europe readers are both industry experts and consumers of online or OTT video media, and the scale and scope of our readers’ companies when it comes to past, present, and future online video delivery.
Questions in the survey not only cover media consumption habits but also criteria for online media delivery success, plans for multi-CDN strategies, and key drivers in making the decision to use one or more CDN services.
In return for taking the survey, we offer an advance copy of the report, as well as a chance for any respondent to enter a drawing for a GoPro Hero 3+ camera.
Let your voice be heard, but please do it soon, as the survey ends on 8 October 2014.
Click here to take the survey.