
Interview with Danny Burns, Founder and CTO, Ceeblue

Ceeblue's Founder and CTO Danny Burns lifts the lid on the WebRTS real-time streaming framework.

Interview with Tasillo Raesig, CEO, MainStreaming

In this interview, MainStreaming CEO Tassilo Raesig discusses the ongoing challenges facing global CDN services in their efforts to deliver broadcast-grade streams that meet client expectations for performance, scale, and monetisation.

Hot Products: Magewell USB Capture HDMI 4K Pro

Magewell's USB Capture family has long been the gold standard for professional video capture devices, earning a reputation for being the easiest and most reliable way to bring video and audio signals into software for live streaming, video conferencing, medical imaging, and more. Thenew USB Capture HDMI 4K Pro continues this tradition while adding the ability to capture video sources up to 4K resolution at 60 frames per second.

Managing churn and return: Keeping SVOD audiences engaged and revenue flowing

Interview with Cees van Versendaal, COO, MWareTV

MWareTV's COO discusses the easy way for non-specialists to build apps for all platforms.

Interview with Alexander Leschinsky, CEO and Co-Founder, G&L Systemhaus

Alexander Leschinsky talks content provenance, authenticity, C2PA and and DRM

Interview with Antonio G. Corrado, CEO, MainStreaming

An interview with MainStreaming CEO and co-founder Antonio Corrado who explains why he is on a mission to redefine how on-demand and live video streaming are delivered at scale with high-performance KPIs.

Tech Talk: Making the Most out of BRIDGE LIVE with AJA's Mike Boucke

From facilitating live-event streaming to remote production and beyond, AJA's multi-channel UltraHD and HD live video solution BRIDGE LIVE supports a wide range of streaming and contribution codecs. Join AJA product manager Mike Boucke to learn more about this powerful device and all it offers for live-stream workflows—from ultra-low latency to support for NDI and more.

Ultra-Low-Latency Streaming: HESP vs webRTC

HESP Alliance's Pieter-Jan Speelmans compares HESP and webRTC, evaluating latency, scalability, device support, network resilience, content protection, viewer quality of experience, timed metadata support, and backwards compatibility.

The Future of Interactivity: nanocosmos

Demands for interactive streaming - streaming with ultra-low latency to enable smooth interaction - is at an all-time high. This is because with communication across industries we aim to engage audiences, often worldwide and at any given time. While traditional use cases like live auctions, games and bets hold a stronger position than ever, various new scenarios made it to the forefront position when it comes to bidirectional streaming: Townhall meetings with vivid discussions, polls, microbetting and even engaging concerts can happen online or in hybrid format.

Interview with Pieter-Jan Speelmans, Technical Working Group Chair of HESP Alliance

An interview with Pieter-Jan Speelmans, Technical Working Group Chair of HESP Alliance. Over the past three years, he has been working actively to reduce the complexity in video pipelines and improve the viewer Quality of Experience (QoE) from perspectives beyond the video player with the High Efficiency Streaming Protocol, a highly scalable ultra-low latency streaming protocol for the next generation of streaming services.

Interview with Jonas Engwall, Chief Executive Officer of Bedrock

An interview with Bedrock CEO Jonas Engwall. With more than 20 years' experience in the media and technology industry, and a professional career spanning almost a dozen countries, Jonas brings extensive expertise and a proven trackrecord for leading business growth and international expansion.

Executive Predictions 2023 : Next-gen Video Refresh Strategies Integrate IPTV Into Corporate IT Networks


i2i Media - Executive Predictions 2023

Philip Radley-Smith | CEO | i2i MEDIA | HTTPS://i2iC.COM

G&L - Executive Predictions 2023


Live Streaming Interactive Content: A New Landscape

Despite the comeback of in-person events in 2022, online audience engagement remains important with a steady demand for interactivity in live streaming.

Interview with Alexander Leschinsky, Co-Founder and Managing Director, G&L Geißendörfer & Leschinsky

Alexander Leschinsky talks data sovereignty, sustainability and the state of the streaming industry.

Interview with Stef van der Ziel, Founder, Jet-Stream

Stef van der Ziel discusses workflow orchestration, ultra-high-quality and edge use cases, and the importance of data protection

Interview with Philip Radley-Smith, CEO, i2i Media

i2i's CEO talks adding value with AI, new working dynamics, and recruitment.

HESP: Sub-second Latency, Fast Channel Change and Improved ABR over Standard CDNs