Fandom Study Finds 80% of Consumers Rank TV, Movies & Video Games Higher Than Music & Sports as Leisure Time Activities

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In its sixth annual Inside Fandom study - The Power of Me Time - Fandom revealed groundbreaking insights into how entertainment and gaming dominate consumers' free time. Leveraging first-party data from Fandom’s extensive platform - 350 million monthly unique visitors, 50 million pages of content and 250k fan-powered wikis - coupled with this global study, Fandom dove into the connection fans have with their favourite franchises, occupying more than 50% of their leisure time, transcending daily routines and other personal interests like music and sports. The study also detailed how brands can authentically engage with audiences during these crucial leaned-in moments.

Key Findings included:

Dominant Passion Points

-54% of consumers' free time is spent on entertainment & gaming each week

-80% of consumers consider playing video games or watching TV/movies as a passion point, surpassing other interests such as music (75%), food & cooking (52%), sports (44%), and travel (38%).

Notably, over a quarter of consumers rank entertainment and gaming as their number one passion, placing it ahead of music (22%) and sports (14%).

Emotional Impact

Entertainment and gaming offer more than just a pastime, they provide a vital emotional outlet and are associated with a range of positive emotions, while music & sports are associated with more negative emotions:

Gaming: Players often report feeling stimulated (+32%), accomplished (+30%), and focused (+27%) after engaging in gaming activities.

Entertainment: Fans of movies and TV shows frequently feel relaxed (+57%), happy (+17%), and zen (+11%) during their viewing experiences.

Sports: While sports have strong fan bases that transcend generations, more often than not they leave fans frustrated (+39%), anxious (+27%), and are less likely to elicit emotions of happiness (-29%) and relaxation (-50%)

Music: While music is more likely to leave fans feeling Zen (+114%), it often times is consumed as background noise or mood-setting which leaves people less likely to be leaned in (-38%) or focused  (-11%)

These positive emotional experiences explain why entertainment and gaming continue to hold such a prominent place in consumers' lives, offering a welcome escape and a chance to recharge.

Broader Spectrum of Engagement

-84% of consumers engage in additional activities (i.e. more than just watching or playing) related to their favourite content, making up 42% of their total time spent in this realm. 

-While 58% of consumers’ time is spent watching TV/movies and playing video games, a significant 42% of that time is spent with fan activities like engaging with posts on social media, researching the lore or interacting with fan content, making platforms and experiences that cater to these activities crucial to consumers’ entertainment and gaming journey.

Consumers take every opportunity they have to lean into these activities, which include:

-Social Media and Fan Content: A significant portion of fans(52%) read or post about their interests on social media, while 50% engage with fan-created content like YouTube videos and TikTok clips.

-Discussion and Research: 43% enjoy discussing shows, movies, or games with friends and family, and 27% delve into research about characters, storylines, or behind-the-scenes information.

-Additionally, 26% listen to podcasts related to their favourite entertainment and gaming content.

-While these activities are clearly integral to the fan experience, allowing deeper connections and ongoing engagement with the content they love, being active within these types of communities also serves a larger purpose for consumers.

-90% of respondents find immense value in these communities, which offer a space for shared interests (57%), social interaction (53%), entertainment value and comedic relief (40%), knowledge sharing (36%) and creativity and self-expression (33%).

"This study shows that gaming, movie and TV content gives consumers much more than just entertainment –  it represents their values and connects them to communities,” said Perkins Miller, Fandom CEO. "Fans celebrate these imagined worlds across platforms because they seek connection and want to celebrate their experiences. Brands who can speak to fan communities with authentic messages will magnify their reach and impact.”

The Strategic Importance of Me-Time Marketing

So, what does this mean for brands and marketers? By understanding the emotions and activities connected with entertainment and gaming, brands can better align their strategies to resonate with consumers. Key findings include:

-Consumers expect the brands they buy to understand and invest in what’s important to them, and 74% of consumers believe it is important for brands to support their entertainment and gaming interests.

-Moreover, 81% understand that advertising helps provide access to their favourite contentmaking them receptive to well-aligned marketing messages.

-With this, fans not only want authenticity but believe it’s possible – 80% of consumers agree there is a right way for brands to align with entertainment and gaming.

-However, only 31% of respondents felt that brands are currently doing a good job in this space.

-This is critical as effective strategies can keep brands top of mind (55%), encourage further research (51%), and enhance cultural relevance (50%).

-That being said, there is a clear opportunity for improvement with 83% of consumers reporting feeling more positively about brands that engage with entertainment and gaming in authentic and meaningful ways.

The Influences of Licensing & Tie-ins on Consumer Behavior

This concept is further explored as the study expands into the influence of licensing and tie-ins on consumer behavior:

-84% of consumers report that these collaborations impact their purchase decisions, whether they are fans of the franchise, the brand, or both.

-For example, 43% are more likely to consider purchasing a brand's product if they are a fan of the associated franchise, while 44% are more inclined to engage with a show, movie, or game if they like the brand involved

-More importantly, these tie-ins can serve as perception shifters; 65% report that if a brand, product, or service has a tie-in with a franchise they love, they are more likely to change their opinion of that brand, product, or service.

The reality is that buying products with tie-ins is part of being a fan; consumers are drawn to these products for several reasons:

-The desire to expand their collection of franchise-related merchandise (35%)

-The appeal of unique or creative product designs (38%)

-The exclusivity of the product, such as limited edition releases (35%)

-The ability to show off their fandom or support for the franchise or character (29%)

-The opportunity to learn more about the franchise or character through the product's content or design (29%)

-However, it's not a guaranteed sale. Several factors influence whether consumers will purchase a product, including affordability (54%), product quality (44%), actual need or use for the product (40%), the brand's reputation (34%), and accessibility (33%).

Executive summary of the findings can be found HERE. For more detailed insights and data from the study, please visit the Inside Fandom homepage.

About Fandom

Fandom is the world’s largest fan platform where fans immerse themselves in imagined worlds across entertainment and gaming. Reaching more than 350 million unique visitors per month and hosting more than 250,000 wikis, Fandom is the #1 source for in-depth information on pop culture, gaming, TV and film, where fans learn about and celebrate their favourite fandoms. Fandom’s Gaming division manages the online video game retailer Fanatical. Fandom Productions, the content arm of Fandom, enhances the fan experience through curated editorial coverage and branded content from trusted and established publishing brands Gamespot, TV Guide and Metacritic, along with its Emmy-nominated Honest Trailers. For more information follow @getfandom or visit:

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