Netflix Exceeds Wall Street Expectations, Growth Largely Oversees
Subscription video-on-demand leader Netflix announced earnings this week that exceeded analyst predictions, and also announced that it now has over 65 million subscribers. Its growth is largely due to the U.S. company's aggressive international expansion. The chart below, from Statista, shows that Netflix's U.S. growth is incremental, while its international growth is strong. In Q2 2015, Netflix added 2.4 million oversees subscribers, but only 900,000 at home. This was the highest number of subscribers Netflix has added in a quarter. Netflix predicts that it will add 3.55 million subscribers in Q3.
Taking an average of analyst predictions, Bloomberg News estimated that Netflix would add 1.94 million subscribers oversees and 636,00 in the U.S.
International subscriptions now make up nearly a third of Netflix's streaming revenue. The company will soon begin operating in Japan, Spain, Italy, and Portugal. The next year will be a busy one, as Netflix plans to offer service in an additional 150 countries by the end of 2016.
Netflix's original content strategy is paying off in award nominations. On Thursday, the company received 34 Emmy Award nominations, the most it's gotten. The series with the most nominations are House of Cards, Orange Is the New Black, Unbreakable Kimmy Schmidt, and Bloodline.

You will find more statistics at Statista
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