Telegraph Media Group Expands Video Coverage

UK publisher Telegraph Media Group (TMG) has significantly expanded its online video coverage to include live streaming of news content using technology from LiveU and Teracue.
The investment, amount unspecified, enables the media outlet to broadcast to its website and to users with iPads and iPhones. Garland Partners architected the streaming platform and assisted in the commission and install of the tech.
Telegraph reporters are being equipped with camcorders and backpacks housing LiveU's LU70 bonded cellular receiver/transmitter to send HD-quality video live across 3G networks back to the Group's studio.
In addition Telegraph is using technology from Garland Partners’ supplier Teracue. An ENC-200 compact, hardware encoder allows for live video contribution, with the DEC-200 decoder receiving remote live feeds in realtime over the public internet.
The Telegraph is also taking live feeds from London's BT Tower to incorporate news content from the Associated Press’ media hub service. TMG can mix this feed with local content from its studio or from LiveU and Teracue devices, and then push the content to the streaming encoder for delivery.
“Digital consumers expect a first-class video service, and the Telegraph is leading the field,” James Weeks, head of video at the Telegraph said in a statement. “We’ve been quick to recognise the opportunities that new technology presents. Now, we can follow developing stories like never before. The changes we have made to our studio will enable us to augment live video with expert analysis and informed opinion from the finest team of journalists and commentators in the business.”
“The Telegraph is making exciting use of the latest technology,” added Malcolm Harland, director of Garland Partners Ltd. “The organisation is leading the industry in breaking out of the traditional boundaries of print media. Video news coverage has moved beyond television, with immediate, live, breaking news coverage being demanded by the huge audience hungry for information.”
“The LiveU devices are the same as those used so successfully by over 40 media outlets this summer to provide unique and immediate coverage of the London 2012 Olympics. They truly are the device that is changing the face of media.”
TMG publishes national newspapers The Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Telegraph and The Telegraph.
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